Daftar Standar Gratis APA IBR part 8

Daftar Standar Gratis APA IBR part 8 adalah kumpulan judul standar dari organisasi pengembangan standar untuk dibaca secara gratis, hasil kerjasama dengan ANSI IBR.

APA (Engineered Wood Association) memiliki fokus untuk membantu industri dalam membuat produk kayu struktural dengan kekuatan, keserbagunaan, dan keandalan.

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Definisi APA IBR

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Daftar Standar Gratis APA IBR

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Berikut ini adalah standar Gratis APA IBR yang tersedia :

Daftar Standar Gratis APA IBR

APA telah mempromosikan solusi baru dan pembaruan proses yang bermanfaat bagi seluruh industri yang dihasilkan dengan cara menggabungkan :

  • upaya penelitian para ilmuwan di pusat penelitian seluas 42.000 kaki persegi APA
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APA telah mengembangkan solusi mandiri untuk hosting versi hanya-baca atau read-only bagi standar APA IBR.

Platform IBR read-only milik APA tersebut dapat dibuka pada alamat web berikut :

Daftar Standar Gratis APA IBR Part 8

Dikarenakan banyaknya daftar standar dari APA IBR ini, maka artikel daftar standar ini dibagi menjadi 8 part.

Berikut ini adalah daftar standar-standar APA Part 8 yang tersedia :

  • Japanese: Build A Better Home: Roofs EX B535JA :  Japanese publication describes Build A Better Home design details for roofs. Issued September 2002
  • Japanese: Canadian Glued Laminated Timber EX F910 JA :  Guide to the proper specification of structural glued laminated timber and their application in non-residential construction applications. Issued March 2005.
  • Japanese: Canadian OSB Shear Walls EX R810 JA :  Canadian OSB Shear Walls. Issued June 2015.
  • Japanese: Canadian OSB—FAQ  EX R805 JA :  FAQ for Canadian OSB. Issued June 2015.
  • Japanese: FAQ on Ministerial Approval for Canadian OSB Shear Walls EX R815 JA : FAQ on Ministerial Approval for Canadian OSB Shear Walls. Issued June 2015.
  • Japanese: FAQ on OSB EX R835 JA :  Frequently asked questions about OSB. Issued June 2015.
  • Japanese: Glulam Specification Guide EX D475 JA :  Grade information, design and engineering data and case studies for projects incorporating structural glued laminated timber. Issued September 2003.
  • Japanese: Joistless Flooring System with OSB EX R830 JA :  Joistless Flooring System with OSB. Issued June 2015.
  • Japanese: OSB Design & Performance EX R825 JA :  OSB Design and Performance. Issued June 2015.
  • Japanese: OSB Shear Walls – Canadian Engineered Wood Products EX F905 JA :  Describes recommended wall construction methods and proper specification of wood-based panel wall sheathing. Revised April 2015.
  • Japanese: Structural Insulated Panels EX R820 JA :  Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs). Issued June 2015.
  • Japanese: Thick OSB Joist-less Post & Beam Floor System Manual EX E910 JA :  Revised April 2015.
  • Kitchen Pavilion Materials  :  Complete materials list. Issued May 2007
  • Korean: A Guide to Engineered Wood Products EX R800 KO :  Korean version of C800: A Guide to Engineered Wood Products, an overview of engineered wood products and the applications in which they are used. Issued February 2015.
  • Korean: Build A Better Home – Foundations :  Section from the Build A Better Home publication. Describes design details for foundations and outlines the characteristics of mold and mildew growth. Only available as a downloadable PDF.
  • Korean: Build A Better Home – Mold and Mildew EX B515KO :  Section from the Korean Build a Better Home publication. Outlines the characteristics of mold and mildew, the effect they can have on a structure and its inhabitants, and methods for prohibiting their growth. Only available as a downloadable PDF.
  • Korean: Build A Better Home – Roofs EX B515KO :  Section from the Korean Build A Better Home publication. Describes design details for roofs. Only available as a downloadable PDF.
  • Korean: Build A Better Home – Walls EX B515 KO :  Wall section from the Korean Build A Better Home publication. Describes the three primary sources of moisture in wood wall construction and methods of preventing its penetration. Only available as a downloadable PDF.
  • Korean: Glulam in Golf Resort Construction EX R226 KO :  Korean version of Form G225: Glulam in Golf Resort Construction. Issued February 2015.
  • Korean: Glulam in Sacred Spaces EX R220 KO :  Korean version of Form D220, Glulam in Sacred Spaces: Wood Inspires Church and Synagogue Design. Issued February 2015.
  • Korean: Glulam Specification Guide EX C450 KO :  Grade information, design and engineering data and case studies for projects incorporating structural glued laminated timber. Issued February 2002. Only available as a downloadable PDF.
  • Korean: Upholstered Furniture Frames EX C625KO :  Describes the product attributes and design options that make wood structural panels a cost effective and efficient choice for upholstered furniture frames. Issued September 2003. Only available as a downloadable PDF.
  • Los Tableros de Madera para el Revestimiento Generan Negocios EX F125 LA :  Spanish version of “Wood Sheathing Builds Business.” Tres constructores de residencias disminuyen los rechazos, mejoran las relaciones con sus clientes, y cumplen con los requisitos de los reglamentos utilizando tableros estructurales de madera. Issued August 2015.
  • Monthly Housing Market Analysis MHMA09 :  Subscription to APA’s monthly presentation on the U.S. housing market. To download after checkout, choose “Click here for order details,” then scroll down and click “Download” on the “APA Store | Order Details” tab to access the file. Member mills may access this presentation without charge on the Members Only website.
  • Narrow Walls That Work D420 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form TT-100 for more information on this topic.
  • Norma de Desempeño para Tableros Estructruales de Madera  EX T350 LA :  Spanish version of “PS 2-18, Performance Standard for Wood Structural Panels.” Revised August 2020.
  • Pallet Facts: Ergonomics and Safety D695 :  This fact sheet provides a summary of OSHA’s lifting recommendations and how engineered wood helps meet the guidelines. Issued November 2003
  • Pallet Facts: Export Economics D696 :  This one-pager separates fact from fiction on the state of phytosanitary regulations for N. American based exporters. Issued November 2003
  • Pallet Facts: Fire Safety D698 :  A comparison of the flammability of high density polyethylene (HDPE} plastic pallets as opposed to plywood pallets. Issued December 2003.
  • Pallet Facts: Pallet Durability D699 :  Research from the Pallet and Container Research Laboratory of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute that found plywood pallets superior in durability and performance to both plastic and timber pallets. Issued February 2005
  • Pallet Facts: Pallet Finance D697 :  This document covers a number of cost factors to aid the buying decision lease. Also addresses the type of pallet to purchase. Issued November 2003
  • Performance Panels Overview  :  Engineered wood Performance Panel presentation covering production attributes and non-construction and industrial uses. More information available at performancepanels.com. Updated April 7, 2013
  • Performance Panels: Furniture Frames R215 :  Performance Panels: Furniture Frames outlines the uses and advantages of OSB and plywood in upholstered furniture frames. Issued May 2015.
  • PR-L329: Pacific Woodtech Corporation  :  Preservative-Treated Laminated Veneer Lumber, Revised September 18, 2020.
  • Product Advisory: Laboratory Tests Evaluate Design Values of Thermo-Ply® Red SP-1172 :  Product Advisory: Thermo-Ply® Red. Issued October 2015.
  • Quarterly Production Report Subscription QPRS-19 :  Provides an overview of regional production, imports and exports, and consumption in the U.S. and Canada. To download after checkout, choose “Click here for order details,” then scroll down and click “Download” on the “APA Store | Order Details” tab to access the file. Member mills may access these reports without charge on the Members Only website.
  • Refuerce los muros con madera EX G440 LA :  Spanish version of “Brace Walls with Wood.” La madera contrachapada y los tableros OSB cumplen con los retos de arriostrar viviendas completas. Issued August 2015.
  • Selección y Especificación de Madera Contralaminada (CLT) EX X300 LA :  Un extracto de la guia para construcción con madera de ingeniería, Forma E30 (Engineered Wood Construction Guide, Form E30). La madera contralaminada o cross-laminated timber (CLT por sus siglas en inglés) es un tablero prefabricado de madera masiva de ingeniería. Issued March 2021.
  • Spanish version, Builder Tips: APA Narrow Wall Bracing Method Framing Tips F435 LA :  Spanish version of Form F435 which highlights essential details for constructing the APA Narrow Wall Bracing Method around garage openings. Issued June 2006.
  • Spanish: American Plywood for Concrete Forms for Latin America EX G840 LA :  Espanol: Madera Contrachapada de Estados Unidos para Encofrados. Grade information, design and engineering data and case histories of concrete form techniques. Revised May 2002.
  • Spanish: Contenedores y Cajas, Guia de Uso Industrial EX Y415 LA :  Spanish version of “Containers and Boxes.” Design and specification recommendations for structural wood panel bins and other containers. Revised August 2015.
  • Spanish: Formulario corto para paneles EX L320 LA :  Specification Guide: Short Form for Panels. Sample specifications for Sheathing, Sturd-I-Floor, Siding, and Sanded Panels. Available only as a downloadable PDF. Issued March 2010.
  • Spanish: Formulario corto para vigas “I” y Rim Board clasificados por desempeno EX L325 LA :  Specification Guide: Short Form for I-Joists and Rim Board. Sample specifications for APA Performance Rated I-Joists and Rim Boards. Available only as a downloadable PDF. Issued March 2010.
  • Spanish: Guia de Productos de Glulam EX L440 LA :  This publication, a Spanish version of APA’s Glulam Product Guide, describes APA EWS trademarked glulam, addresses important design considerations and includes a specification guide. December 2010.
  • Spanish: Guia de Productos: Clases de Tableros Contrachapados Norteamericanos :  Guide to American Plywood Grades​. Introduction to the manufacture, specification, handling and storage and common applications of structural plywood. Revised August 2015.
  • Spanish: Hurricane Shutter Design #1 for Latin America EX X451 LA :  Shutters for Wood-Frame Buildings. Hurricane shutter designs, including illustrations, material lists and installation instructions. Issued September 1997.
  • Spanish: Hurricane Shutter Design #2 for Latin America EX X452 LA :  Shutters for Masonry Block Structures. Barrel Bolt Latch Supports. Hurricane shutter designs, including illustrations, material lists and installation instructions. Issued September 1997.
  • Spanish: Hurricane Shutter Design #3 for Latin America EX X453 LA :  Shutters for Masonry Block Structures. Steel or Aluminum Angle and Screw Supports. Hurricane shutter designs, including illustrations, material lists and installation instructions. Issued September 1997.
  • Spanish: Hurricane Shutter Design #4 for Latin America EX X454 LA :  Shutters for Masonry Block Structures. Shutters Attached to Outside Wall with Permanently Mounted Brackets. Hurricane shutter designs, including illustrations, material lists and installation instructions. Issued September 1997.
  • Spanish: Hurricane Shutter Design #5 for Latin America EX X455 LA :  Shutters For Masonry Block Structures. For Openings Wider Than 8 Feet. Hurricane shutter designs, including illustrations, material lists and installation instructions. Issued September 1997.
  • Spanish: Oriented Strand Board EX U631 LA :  Introduction to the manufacture, specification, handling and storage and application of oriented strand board. Revised August 2015.
  • Spanish: Presentación de paneles de desempeño (Performance Panels Overview) :  Un resumen sobre la producción, las características y usos industriales de paneles de madera diseñados. (Spanish version of Performance Panels Overview). Revised April 7, 2013
  • Spanish: Structural Plywood for Exterior Siding EX H815 SP :  Espanol: Madera Contrachapada Estructural Para Recubrimiento Exterior. Introduction to the specification, application and recommended finishing of plywood siding. Revised July 1994.
  • Spanish: Upholstered Furniture Frames EX C630 LA :  Describes the product attributes and design options that make wood structural panels a cost effective and efficient choice for upholstered furniture frames. Revised August 2015.
  • Specification Guide: Recommended Specifications for Manufactured Home Walls W630 :  Discussion of APA recommendations for manufactured and modular home walls. This publication is available in PDF format only. Updated October 2006.
  • Sustainable Buildings, Sustainable Future F305 :  Describes the environmental benefits of engineered wood products, compares wood to other structural products, and explains scientific research that demonstrates wood’s green building merits. Revised December 2016.
  • Systèmes de plancher en bois d’ingénierie R301 CAF :  Ce guide fournit des recommandations pour la construction de planchers en bois d’ingénierie. Publié en juillet 2018.
  • Tableros de Virutas Orientadas—Guía de Productos EX W410 LA :  Spanish version of Product Guide: Oriented Strand Board. Issued August 2015.
  • Technical Bulletin: Use of Structural Panels in Stucco and EIFs Wall Systems W202 :  APA Technical Bulletin #202. Provides a review of APA use recommendations in exterior siding systems. Available only as a downlodable PDF. Revised April 2009.
  • Technical Note: Corrosion-Resistant Fasteners for Construction D485 :  Outlines bases for fastener recommendations in plywood siding and foundations, and fire-retardant-treated plywood. This publication is available in PDF format only. Revised December 2004.
  • Technical Note: Design Capacities of APA Performance-Rated Panels N375 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form D510 for more information on this topic.
  • Technical Note: Minimizing Buckling of Wood Structural Panels X480 :  Form X480 has been discontinued. Please refer to Technical Note: Minimizing Buckling of Wood Structural Panels, Form D481.
  • Technical Note: Narrow Wall Bracing Without Hold Downs for Use in a Fully Sheathed House E425 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form J740 for more information on this topic.
  • Technical Note: Wood Structural Panel Sheathing or Siding Used to Resist Combined Shear & Uplift H335 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form SR-101 for more information on this topic.
  • Technical Topic: Thermal Resistance of Wood Structural Panels TT-016 :  TT-016 has been superseded by APA ICC ES Report ESR-2586.
  • Technical Topics: Allowable Horizontal Shear Stresses for Glulam TT-090 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED.
  • Technical Topics: California Fire Approvals for APA Siding TT-091 :  Details the layups for APA 303® grooved plywood sidings (T1-11 and Reverse Board & Batten), representing minimal plywood siding constructions as typically found in the marketplace. Sidings may be installed direct-to-studs. Revised November 9, 2015.
  • Technical Topics: Design Values for APA’s Portal Frame in Engineered Applications TT-074 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form TT-100 for more information on this topic.
  • Technical Topics: I-Joist and Rim Board Connections for Conventional Construction TT-095 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form Y250 and Form Z725 for more information on this topic.
  • Technical Topics: Narrow Garage Wall Bracing for One and Two Story Homes TT-077 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form J740 for more information on this topic.  
  • Technical Topics: Narrow Wall Bracing Using Wood Structural Panel Portal Frames TT-073 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form TT-100 for more information on this topic.
  • Technical Topics: Narrow Wall Bracing Without Hold Downs for Use in a Fully Sheathed House TT-089 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form G440 for more information on this topic.
  • Technical Topics: Rx for Flood Damage, How to Assess Water Damage in Plywood and OSB Panels TT-031 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form X501 for more information on this topic.
  • Technical Topics: Water Vapor Permeance TT-068 :  THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please refer to Form J450 for more information on this topic.
  • Timber Bridges, 2002 Award Winners :  Features the winners of the 2002 National Timber Bridge Award competition. Winners include long span timber bridges, vehicular bridges of less than 40 feet in length, covered bridges, pedestrian bridges, and rehabilitated bridges. Issued February 2003. 12 pages.
  • Tópicos Técnicos: Efecto de Conectores Clavados en Exceso sobre la Capacidad a Cortante TT-012 LA :  Esta es una guía sugerida para determinar si los conectores clavados en exceso afectarán la capacidad de cortante de un diafragma o la construcción de muros de cortante. Spanish version of Form TT-012, Effect of Overdriven Fasteners On Shear Capacity. Issued April 2021.
  • Una Guía a los Productos de Madera de Ingeniería EX C800 LA :  Una Guía a los Productos de Madera de Ingeniería
  • Spanish version of “A Guide to Engineered Wood Products.” Issued August 2015.
  • Vigas I Clasificadas por Desempeño EX S725 LA :  Vigas I Guía Para Diseño/Construcción. Spanish translation of APA Performance Rated I-Joist Design and Construction Guide for Latin America. Issued July 2017.
  • Wood Facts: Designing Schools with Wood J335 :  Basic information on designing schools with wood. Only available as a downloadable PDF. Issued December 2008.
  • Wood Promotion Network: Home Builder Guidelines WP G335 :  Discusses the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Model Green Home Building Guidelines and LEED for Homes, as well as various local programs offered by many individual cities. “Wood and Green Building” is a series of fact sheets produced by the Wood Promotion Network. Issued November 2006.
  • Wood Promotion Network: LEED® vs. Green Globes™ WP G330 :  Discusses the similarities of and differences between these two programs. “Wood and Green Building” is a series of fact sheets produced by the Wood Promotion Network. Issued November 2006.
  • Wood Promotion Network: The Role of Life Cycle Assessment WP G340 :  Life cycle assessment measures the environmental impacts of building materials and assemblies. This publication discusses how wood compares to other materials over its entire life cycle and provides tools for assessing life cycle impacts. “Wood and Green Building” is a series of fact sheets produced by the Wood Promotion Network. Issued November 2006.
  • Wood Promotion Network: Using Wood to Fight Climate Change WP G345 :  In North America, the building sector accounts for 37 percent of carbon dioxide emissions, which are generated when fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, are burned for energy. Read how the use of wood products fights climate change. “Wood and Green Building” is a series of fact sheets produced by the Wood Promotion Network. Issued November 2006.

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